Toddler Activities for COVID-19

As all of us parents know being isolated to your house with children isn’t the easiest thing in the world. It’s so important for us to do our part, even if that means going a little bit stir crazy. Today I’m going to share with you some of my favourite activities that I do with A to keep us busy at home.

  1. Help Make Mommy Breakfast
    A absolutely loves helping in the kitchen. I find when I let her help me make breakfast in the morning it sets both of our days off on the right foot. A is the type of toddler who loves to help, I can tell it gives her a sense of purpose. I let her do things like put berries on her plate, help flip the egg, butter the toast. Allowing her to help do these tasks not only helps her learn, but makes her excited about eating a healthy balanced meal.
  2. Imaginary Play
    One of my favourite things to do with A is watch her use her imagination. We make up silly little games with her babies and she has so much fun. One of our faves is playing doctor. She will line up all her babies and she checks their heart and their ears and I can just see her little brain gears turning.
  3. Painting, Play Doh & Drawing
    A loves being artistic in so many different ways. She really loves painting and Play Doh. It allows her to explore different colours and textures all while getting messy. Since Easter is right around the corner we’ve been doing a lot of Easter themed crafts. Even something as simple as painting foam eggs is a super fun way to get creative while being festive.
  4. Obstacle Course
    You can make an obstacle course inside or outside using a variety of things. If you have hoola hoops, jump ropes and pylons its super easy to arrange them in your backyard to have your little one jump and run through all of the obstacles. If you don’t have a large outdoor space you can also create one inside using colourful tape. Simply put the tape on the floor in straight lines, zig zags and other shapes for your little one to explore. I’ll link some Pinterest links down below to give you a visual representation of this one.
    Outdoor Obstacle Course
    Indoor Obstacle Course
  5. Nature Scavenger Hunt
    A super easy way to have some fun is a nature scavenger hunt. Theres tons of templates online you can print out with photos of birds, sticks, trees and other things that you can find on a simple walk outside. Have your little ones find something from their list out in the real world. They’ll think its pretty awesome when they’re able to find what their looking for.
  6. Practising Mindfulness
    It’s so important to teach our children how to be mindful of the world. The world is a scary place right now and it’s important to educate our children. If you have kids old enough to understand whats going on you should sit down and talk about it. Talk about what it means to be isolated, and why social distancing is so important. If your children are too young to understand, like A, there are still so many different mindful activities you can do. Even just going for a walk and pointing out the things you see. Acknowledging that the grass is green, and the smell of the cool breeze are super important things to teach our kids.

Times are tough right now but that doesn’t mean we have to worry 24/7. Our kids still need some sense of normality and it’s important that we don’t let our anxieties get the best of us. If you try any of the activities I listed above I would love to see a photo! Take a photo of your isolation games and tag me on Instagram @motherhoodintheraww so we can all still feel connected while we distance ourselves physically. Don’t forget that we’re all in this together.

Xoxo, B

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Motherhood in the Raw

Motherhood, Mental Health & Learning to Love Yourself.

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