Dear Diary: Ep. 3

She is a mermaid but approach her with caution. Her mind swims at depths most would drown in.

J. Iron Word

My mind has always been complex, moving 1000 miles a minute. I’ve always thought of that to be a bad thing. Setting me apart from my peers. Now I’m trying to learn to how to love and accept my mind, and how beautiful it is. I’ve yet to meet another person who thinks like myself. I am my own unique being, and I am special in every way. You do not need to achieve greatness to be great. Simply being who you are is the greatest thing that you can be. Society has skewed our perception of what makes someone worthy. You don’t have to be anything that you do not want to be. Be who you are, deeply and truly. One day you’ll be looking back on your life, desperately wishing that you embraced your true self. Through and Through.

*Be Your Own Power *

xoxo, B

Welcome March

Welcome March,
I am ready to embrace this new month with gratitude. March is the time for feeling inspired, motivated and ready for change. March means that spring is just around the corner. Soon we’ll be feeling the warmth of the sun. The chirp of new life being born into the world. The smell of the earth as it awakens from its winter sleep. March reminds me that seasons change, and that your current is not your forever. Spring is the perfect time for change. Change where you’re living, change your job, change your hobbies. March is the time to let go of the things that are no longer serving your greater purpose. Let go of the people who are holding you back, as hard as it may be. Listen to your inner voice, listen to what she is telling you. Stop changing who you are to fit in with everyone else. Find your people, find your joy. Allow March to guide you to where you need to be. The longer you try to force happiness on yourself for the greater good of others, the longer it will take to find your true bliss. Be your own motivation, and let this new season show you just how beautiful you really are. March, I’m ready for you and all you have in store.

xoxo, B

Dear Diary: Ep. 1

Hi friends, thanks for clicking on my new blog post. If you’ve been following me since the beginning then you’ve probably realized that this blog has turned more mental health than motherhood. Since I’ve started this blog I’ve been working on myself hard core, and there has been a lot of ups and downs. Something that has been a huge part of my life has been daily journaling, and I thought I would share some of those journal entries here on my new segment called Dear Diary. I want you to know that if you’re struggling it is ok, and you’re not alone. We are all growing and evolving on our own clocks, and we all have such a unique, personal way of thinking. I don’t want anyone to ever feel like they have to follow anyone else’s way of thinking to be on the right path. Sometimes I know that I can feel like I’m running a marathon with those around me, and everyone is miles ahead of me. I keep running as fast as I can, trying to keep up with fear in the back of my mind. Fear of being left behind, or forgotten by those that I love. We need to remember that those who truly love us back wont leave us behind. They will adjust their pace slightly to allow us to catch up, and they will embrace us once we finally reach the finish line. I know that was a long introduction to this new segment, but it felt necessary to me, because these diary entries are super important to me.

Dear Diary: Ep. 1:
It’s time to inhale the good and the happy, and exhale the bullshit. Manifest the life that you desire. Manifest happiness and self love. Your path doesn’t have to look like your peers, you create your own happiness. Follow your heart, not the crowd. See your inner beauty, and thank God for making you this way. Help people like you need to be helped. Reach out, make an effort. Be loving and be loved. Choose the pursuit of happiness, not perfection. Maybe simply being happy is enough. Maybe loving yourself is magic.

I wrote that while I was having a very tough day mentally. The depression was taking over ever fibre of my being and I thought I was going to be stuck in it all day. Writing is so therapeutic for me. It allows me to get my thoughts out in an organized way, instead of having them race around my mind 1000 miles a minute. I know this one was short, but it is so powerful to me. I want to create an army of mental health warriors, that would probably be my “mission statement” for this blog. I want people to know that you’re perfect just the way you are. Personal growth is important, and it’s empowering, but its also just that, personal. Next time you feel like you’re evolving “too slowly” or like everyone around you is moving on and leaving you in their dust I want you to read this blog post. I want you to remember that you’re time for mental clarity will come, and it will taste that much sweeter because you know that you will have worked your ass off for it. For now keep on shining, and keep on loving yourself through every up, and every down.

xoxo, B.

New Year, New B.

I know, I know. It’s a bit of cliche, the whole mantra of new year new me, but for some reason this year feels different. In years past I never really understood the idea of a new year meaning new opportunities for growth, and now I think I get it. I have a lot of hopes, and good feelings about the year to come. Over the last decade I really discovered who I am, but my work is not yet done. I desperately want 2020 to be the year that I figure it all out. I want to find my passion, I want to create great things. I want all the cloudiness and confusion to disappear. I have to be honest, I’m not the best at self discovery, or being assertive enough to go after what I really want. I tend to stick to the sidelines and watch as everyone around me achieves greatness. I want 2020 to be the year that I say enough.

My Goals for 2020:

  • Get my body to a happy, healthy size
  • Find my passion, and figure out how to make a living out of it
  • Quit my current job
  • Find a therapist
  • Develop a healthy routine
  • Save 20% of all of my paycheques
  • Let loose, and have fun more often

I tried to keep my goals this year reasonable and attainable. This is just a sample list out of my journal, where I have categories for all areas of my life. I’ve been keeping a journal since January 1st. It has all of my goals, and my daily thoughts and feelings. I’ve been writing positive affirmations about myself every morning, to remember how badass I am already; and how badass I can become. I’ve also been writing down a daily to-do list, which has really been helping me be less lazy. I just want to look back at the end of the year and be proud. Be proud that I did my very best for myself, and for my daughter.

I’m experiencing a clarity that I haven’t felt in a really long time. Even on my bad days I’ve been able to cope extremely better than before. The road to self discovery is long, but the destination will be so, so worth it. I hold on to hope that no matter what hardships life throws at me its all for the bigger picture, the greater good if you will. I know I have some larger decisions to make this year, ones I’m not quite ready to talk about on here. Choices that will change the entire path that I’ve been on until this point. I’m ready for big changes, and even bigger rewards.

Today I challenge you to start your own 2020 journal. Write it all down. Write down your goals and your dreams. Write down all of your thoughts, the good and the bad. Write until it makes sense, until you can see things a little bit more clearly. I honestly cant believe how much its helped me, in just eight days. Take a little bit of time to do something for yourself each day, and learn to love yourself. We are honestly all we have, if we can’t love ourselves how can we expect anyone else to love us?

Make this your year.

xoxo, B.

The 2010’s: A Decade in Review

Happy New Year! I know I’ve been gone for a hot minute, but thats not what I’m here to talk about today. Today I want to reflect on the decade that we all just said goodbye to while it’s still early in the New Year. Better late than never right? I think today’s blog will be only a reflection, year by year, and the next one will be about the decade to come and all that I hope will be. So if you’re interested in a little bit of my backstory, and my journey over the last decade than read on, and maybe try to remember some of your best times through the last ten years.

My first year of High School and the year that I started dating the love of my life. C and I started dating in April of 2010, when we were just little things. Truly one of the best years of my life. I remember being so nervous to start High School, but once I got there everything clicked. C and I actually didn’t go to the same school, and thats probably why we didn’t connect until April. It wasn’t love at first sight thats for sure (lol), but once he persuaded me to give him a chance I fell hard and fast. There was just nobody like him. It was the summer of 2010 where I really fell hard in love with him, and thought to myself. Maybe this is my person, at fifteen years old.
Favourite Song of 2010: Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars

If I’m being honest 2011 wasn’t the most memorable year for me. My second year of High School, I was basically just going through the motions. I remember C and I started having a lot of issues at the end of 2010/ early 2011 and I think thats something that clouds my memories from that time. Although I do remember that we were stronger than ever by the summer of 2011.
Favourite Song of 2011: We Found Love by Rhianna

Similar to 2011, nothing in particular really jumps out at me about 2012. I know it was the year that I got Instagram for the first time. My third year of High School, and things with C were definitely starting to become serious. I do remember that it was his prom at his school that year, my first prom experience. By 2012 I had built strong friendships, with many people who are still very much apart of my life to this day.
Favourite Song of 2012: Ho Hey by the Lumineers

Oh 2013, this is a year with many memories, and feelings attached. I could probably go on forever about 2013. This was the year that I graduated from High School, had my prom and went on my grad trip with my best friends. So many memories were made, and this year felt like the year that my life would truly begin. Don’t get me wrong, this year had a lot of ups and downs with C and I. We went through things that we’ve never been through before. Things I wont get into on here, but it was bad for a little bit especially at the beginning of the year. By the summer of 2013 though we worked everything out, and things were looking up. It was really a great year.
Favourite Song of 2013: Home, by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

2014 was one the hardest year of my life by far. I found out that I was pregnant in early February of 2014. It was an absolute shock for both C and I. We were also still in a bit of a rocky place from the previous year, and we were so scared. Although terrified, we knew we wanted the baby and we were going to make the best of it. In early April I found out my baby had passed inside of me. I had surgery April 8 2014 to removed my deceased baby from my body. It was truly traumatic, for many many years after. 2014 was really hard, I can’t remember much good from that year. The one positive memory I have is of the Katy Perry concert. I went with my best friend, and it was one of the best nights of my life.
Favourite Song of 2014: Stay with me, by Sam Smith

2015 was a good year. It was the first time C and I moved out of our parents house to a home of our own. We spent time together and recovered from our pain from the previous year. We made a lot of memories in that home. It was a little bit rough for me in the friend department. My best friend went away to school, and I felt forgotten for quite some time. Our friendship struggled in the years to come, but I now know that everything happens for a reason. We also got our dog Oliver at the end of 2015!
Favourite Song of 2015: Wildflowers by Tom Petty

The year my niece was born. Something about new life coming into the world is so inspiring. I was worried when I found out that my sister in law was pregnant. I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to be happy for her because of what happened to me, but I was; and I loved that little girl so much when I met her for the first time. Although there was some happiness, overall 2016 was an extremely hard year for me. I struggled so bad with my mental health at this time. I was so depressed, and I felt like I had lost all of my friends. I was probably in the darkest place I’ve ever been in at this time. At the end of the year we actually moved back in with my parents, in a new home. I think that helped get me out of my depression a little bit.
Favourite Song of 2016: Closer by the Chainsmokers

2017 was probably the craziest year of my life. I went through so much growth this year. I accepted that my friendships with certain people were not the same anymore, and it was ok. I got closer with some new friends, and I genuinely tried to be happy again. I finally learned to accept my miscarriage for what it was, and I stopped blaming myself. In May of 2017 I took my first trip since 2013. I went on my first cruise to Alaska with all of the women in my family. It was a really great trip that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Summer of 2017 was probably one of the best summers of my life. With endless cottage trips, sun kissed skin and good friends. Then August, the month that changed my life forever. On August 13 2017 I found out I was pregnant. It was the most terrified, excited and blessed I’ve ever felt in my life that morning when I took that pregnancy test. I was so excited for what was possibly going to come from this, and terrified of losing another life within my womb.
Favourite Song of 2017: I Get to Love You, by Ruelle

The absolute best year of my life. April 8 2018 my life changed forever when the doctors placed my living, breathing beautiful baby girl on my chest. A was born, a perfect 5lb 14oz bundle of pure joy. No moments from any years prior could even compare to that moment. 2018 was overall the best year of the decade for me. Not only did I become a mother, but I also reconnected with my old friends that I thought I had lost. C and I moved out of my parents place and finally got our first ever home just the three of us, no more roommates. I had so much fun in 2018, and I was the most mentally stable I’ve ever been in my life. 2018 is a year that I never want to forget.
Favourite Son of 2018: Never Grow Up, by Taylor Swift

Oh 2019, probably my most hot and cold year of the decade. I cannot say that it was a bad year, because it was filled with so many wonderful moments. My beautiful girl turned a year old, C and I got engaged, and my grandmother came to visit from across the country. I got to watch A grow from a baby into the sweet little girl that she is now. We had another niece born into the family, just weeks before Christmas. Looking at 2019 as a whole I would say it was an amazing year. The only thing keeping me from giving it a 10/10 is my own mental health struggles. I had some of the worst panic attacks of my life this past year. It got bad enough that I am now making it my absolute mission to be better moving forward. I’ve realized the only one holding me back from greatness is myself. I learned a lot in 2019, and I’m thankful for every experience I’ve had in the last decade.
Favourite Song of 2019: Beautiful Crazy, by Luke Combs

This past decade was definitely the most detrimental to the becoming of who I am. I literally grew up in the last ten years. I went from a child to a full grown woman with a family. I’ve loved, I’ve lost. I’ve laughed and I’ve cried. I’ve experienced some of the greatest things life has to offer. I’ve learned more about myself then I ever imagined I could. I’ve grown immensely. I cannot wait to see what the next ten years brings. I’m ready to completely grow all over again, and I’m ready for new experiences. Bring it on 2020’s, I’m ready for you.

xoxo, B.

Cracked Not Broken

For the longest time I felt like I was broken beyond repair, like I would never be whole as I once was. Trauma changes people, and trauma comes in all different shapes and sizes. Some may say that my life has been free of traumatic experiences, that I’ve had it “too good” to be left scarred from my past. To that I say this; because I’ve suffered less than others in the world that does not eliminate my pain and traumatic experiences.

For years I felt depressed and worthless, and I allowed those feelings to take over my identity completely. I felt like I was stuck standing in quicksand while everyone was zooming around me, making something of their lives and finding their purpose. I allowed my pessimistic nature become the main foundation for who I was. Isolating myself from social situations and carrying a heavy load of depression on my shoulders all the time. I truly thought that “this is just how I am”, and that I would never be saved from myself.

What I failed to realize for so many years of my life, and my youth at that, was that I was the only one that could save myself. I told myself that when I become a mom, or when I find my dream career, or when all of my relationships are perfect then I’ll be happy. I thought I had to wait for happiness to find me, rather than seeking it out myself. What I didn’t understand was that I have to change my own mindset, and until I was able to do that I would never find true happiness. “I can’t find happiness within myself, I’m too broken.” These are the things I would say to myself day after day. “I’m too fat” “I’m too unmotivated” “I will never be good enough.” I told myself all of these horrible things until I truly believed it to be facts, rather than perception.

I can now proudly say that I have found my happiness, and I’m proud of who I am (for the most part). Now thats not to say that I’m happy and positive 24/7 because thats an unrealistic expectation for anyone, but I can say that I genuinely try every single day to take the high road in all situations. I no longer wallow in my own self pity, I no longer see myself as broken. I’m able to find positive things about myself, and most importantly I’ve changed how I think about life.

I no longer see myself as broken.

I refuse to look at life as a struggle rather than a blessing. I no longer expect things to end terribly, and I embrace any outcome in all situations because I understand thats the way its meant to be. The way I’ve been able to change my thought process hasn’t been easy, and it didn’t happen over night. Changing the way you look at the world takes small daily actions, and I promise even when it seems trivial its making a HUGE difference. One of my favourite things to do now every morning while I have my breakfast is write a reflection journal about the previous day. It doesn’t have to be paragraphs because I wouldn’t be able to do it everyday if I was writing that much every morning. I have a journal that asks for the date and it gives four simple questions.

  1. Something that made me feel happy.
  2. Something that made me feel grateful.
  3. Something that I learned.
  4. What I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

Answering these four simple questions every morning really helps put life into perspective, and it helps you appreciate the little things more. Sometimes all we need is a simple reminder of how lucky we are to have the things we have. This is going to be the year of growth. Personal growth is so very important, and something we all need to focus on every few years. I had my time of allowing myself to feel sadness and allowing myself to feel broken, but the time has come to say no more. I’m taking my life back and I’m going to love myself more and more everyday moving forward.

This ones for the broken and the weak. I promise if you dig down deep inside yourself, and truly believe that your worthy of all your wildest dreams the universe will align, and it will grant you the deepest desires of your heart.

xoxo, B.

Seasons Change & So Do You


Autumn is approaching fast and I feel a sense of relief. Summer is wonderful, its full of adventure and fun. Summer is the time for falling in love, and staying up until all hours of the night with your friends, dreaming of tomorrow. Although, I was fortunate enough to have my fair share of sleepless summer nights with friends, something didn’t sit right with me. I realize now that it was the guilt, the guilt of not being with A, even when I know she was fast asleep in her cozy bed at grandmas house. As the guilt increased so did the isolation, and I could feel friends slipping away. My close friendships changed over the summer, and it’s something I’m still coming to terms with.

Over the last few months I’ve been so caught up in why my closest friends seem uninterested in our relationship. I’ve had friends seemingly choose me last, in my eyes anyway for quite some time now. I’ve let it get me down more than I’d like to admit, I feel embarrassed. I’ve spent many hours feeling sad about certain relationships, which in turn has made me less present for A, which is the most guilt inducing feeling of them all. Being an Enneagram type 4 means I feel things deeply, and personally. I think I’m going to write a whole blog post about personality types, and astrology but today is not that day. Regardless, I know I tend to take things personally, and I also have a hard time navigating my feelings which requires me to spend more time than I would like with personal reflection. I never want A to suffer at the cost of my emotions.

“I never want A to suffer at the cost of my emotions.”

While I wholeheartedly believe that it’s extremely important to take time to feel through your emotions, I also believe it’s important to not let them consume you. As Autumn approaches I can feel myself letting go. I can feel myself becoming less selfish, and focusing on the more important relationships in my life. Relashionships such as my fiance, my daughter and my family. Friends who build me up, and help me feel secure in myself, rather than making me question if I’ll ever be good enough. I feel lighter, and more emotionally free than I have in months and that is simply because seasons change, and so do we. I will never close the book on any relationship (unless it is genuinely damaging to my health and wellbeing), because who knows what the next season of life will bring, and who I will need in that time.

Autumn will be for family, and making our home more loving, positive and warm. Autumn is for self reflection in the most positive of ways. I truly believe that Autumn will bring the clarity that I’ve been searching for these past months. I feel a shift happening and I’m so excited to see where I’m going to end up. Rather than feeling a sense of longing, and searching for the missing piece, I’m realizing that I have been the missing piece all along. I’ve doubted myself for so long, I haven’t been able to see my true potential for quite some time. Autumn I thank you, I thank you for grounding me, and bringing me back to myself. I feel clear, and I can’t wait to see whats next.

xoxo, B

Self-loathing : Self-care

For as long as I can remember I’ve hated myself.

I’ve always struggled big time when it comes to trying not to hate myself. Standing in front of the mirror, picking out every single flaw I can find. The hateful things I’ve said about myself are things that I wouldn’t say to my worst enemies. For as long as I can remember I’ve hated myself. Not only my physical flaws have been abused by my own hatred, but worse of all my heart has taken an emotional beating for years.

Now I’m not writing this because I have the magical answer to overcoming this disease, if anything this is very much for the opposite reason. I will say I’ve gotten better, and I don’t know if thats simply age and maturity to thank, or maybe the birth of my daughter, I’m really not sure. Although, I’d be lying if I said that I love myself. I still stare into the mirror daily hating what I see. I still emotionally abuse myself after I say something “wrong”, or “cringe” in a conversation with someone. I hate that I’m still working in retail, and I haven’t made something of myself yet. I hate my lack of motivation. Most days it seems there is more that I hate about myself opposed to the latter.

It makes me physically nauseas to think about my daughter growing up and treating herself with the same disrespect that I’ve shown myself. This is the sole reason I’ve started trying my absolute best to practise self-care, and self-love. She genuinely helps me be a better person every single day. I no longer call myself names out loud when she is in earshot. I no longer spend half the day in bed harming myself mentally and physically, because that is simply not an option anymore. These are the greatest gifts that my darling girl could ever have given me, and I will owe her my life for it. She has inspired me to be the best that I can be, to try and become successful. Instead of dwelling on failures and setbacks it’s time to turn to that emotion into motivation. I have such a longing to be great, and to create greatness that it’s overwhelming, and I naturally tell myself that I can’t do it. It’s time we all start to believe in ourselves. It’s time that I take charge of my own life, and my own future.

Below I’m going to include a list of daily things that you can practice to incorporate self-care into your life. wether you only do one of these things, or all of them I can promise they will slowly create positive change in your life.

  • Meditation
  • Clean plant-based diet (when you can)
  • A skin care routine
  • Keeping your space clean, organized, and free from clutter
  • Writing a daily gratitude journal
  • Stay “unplugged” for the first hour of your day
  • Look into the mirror and tell yourself 3 positive attributes about yourself
  • Focus on the things in your life that you can change
  • Surround yourself with people who lift you up
  • Try to get enough sleep (I know that can feel impossible with young children)
  • Celebrate the small stuff

My time for self-loathing is coming to an end, I can feel it in my soul. I can feel positivity leaking into my daily routine, and I feel so blessed. For so long I blocked out any chance I had at happiness because in my mind I simply didn’t deserve it, but enough is enough. I’m done saying I can’t, I’ll never, and I don’t deserve.

It’s time for I can and I will, or I’ll die trying.

xoxo, B
